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About Us: Portfolio



Murphy Presbyterian Church was formed in 1896. The Mecklenberg Presbytery of the PCUS commissioned J.D. Abbot to plant a church in Murphy. The church began with 11 founding members. The early years were hard but the little congregation persevered and God preserved her as a witness of his grace and mercy.

Throughout the years, Murphy Presbyterian Church has had our ups and downs. There have been lean years and plentiful years. And through it all, God has been faithful.

In 1983, the PCUS merged with the UPCUSA to form the Presbyterian Church (USA). For the next 28 years, Murphy was a faithful witness to the gospel in the PC(USA), even as the denomination grew steadily more and more liberal.

When the church felt as though they could no longer continue in the PC(USA), Murphy Presbyterian Church joined the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC).





Our Denomination

We are a congregation of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. "Evangelical" means that we believe the gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe that by nature, we are all sinners who have rebelled against a holy and just God and deserve death. But that God has done something about our sin and misery; he sent his eternally begotten Son to redeem his church through his atoning work on the cross. That is the gospel. We believe this and teach it regularly


"Presbyterian" refers to our form of church government. Every congregation in the EPC is under the oversight of the elders who are entrusted to care for the spiritual needs of the members. Each session is under the oversight of a regional body of elders called a presbytery. We belong to the Presbytery of the Southeast.


The Holy Scripture

We love the Bible. We are unabashedly committed to the Bible and what it teaches. We affirm the inerrancy, infallibility, and sufficiency of the Old and New Testaments.


The Westminster Standards

We are a confessional congregation. We affirm the great truths of the Protestant Reformation. Our officers affirm the theology of the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms. Click here to learn more about the Westminster Standards (


Our mission is to make disciples. We do that in a variety of ways. We have Sunday School every Sunday at 9:30am where we study God's word. We have Knowing What You Believe class where we rotate between studying the Bible, theology, and piety. We support several missionaries in their efforts to share the gospel with those who currently do not know it.

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